
Quality, Health, Safety and Environment

QHSE means conformity and stability for industrial, commercial and service companies.

Multisite companies, local businesses or even start-ups will find answers to compliance questions and solutions to the requirements of legal compliance and also to certification stability when setting up management systems.

The service portfolio of QHSE GmbH offers your company comprehensive support to ensure that your processes comply with legal requirements or standard requirements safely and with the highest quality.

As a specialist for industry standards, the QHSE Compliance Division accompanies your company on the way to process efficiency and sustainability. A sustainable and future-oriented development of your QHSE system enables you to concentrate on your core business and to continuously stabilize your competitiveness.

QHSE service portfolio

management systems

Implementation of single or combined management norms

  • Quality management ISO 9001 / ISO 22000
  • Environmental management ISO 14001 / EMAS
  • Occupational health and safety management ISO 45001
  • Energy management ISO 50001
  • Corporate Social Responsibility ISO 26000
  • SQAS / EfbV
  • Qualification of company auditors or environmental auditors
  • Choosing an accredited certification body

Occupational health and safety

For your occupational safety, we offer you:

  • Advice to management and executives
  • Explosion protection documentation according to BetrSichV
  • Preparation of risk assessments, operating instructions
  • implementation of instructions
  • Implementation of a behavior based safety - occupational safety system
  • Safety and health protection coordination (SiGeKo) in accordance with BaustellV
  • Creation of registers for hazardous substances, noise, lighting, radiation, etc.
  • Escape and rescue plans according to ASR A1.3 and DIN ISO 23601
  • Creation of occupational health and safety plans
  • accident cause determination
  • Support in professional association disputes and official orders

DGUV 2 - company medical service and specialist for occupational safety

We offer you the following for professional association-binding support in accordance with DGUV 2 :

  • Supervision by external specialists for occupational safety
  • Company medical care

Health Protection / Prevention

For your company personnel and health management BGM we offer you:

  • prevention programs
  • health concepts
  • Implementation of WHM programs
  • Concepts in work psychology
  • Coaching in the field of industrial psychology
  • Prevention and fluctuation protection programs

environmental Protection

For your environmental protection compliance we offer you:

  • External environmental protection assignments Immission control, accident, water, waste, group assignments
  • Consulting on regulatory requirements and implementation in your organization
  • Safety reports and incident concepts according to BImSchG
  • Emission declarations according to BImSchG
  • Support for approval procedures according to BImSchG, WHG, KrWG, VAwS and others
  • Support in the event of discrepancies with official orders
  • Indicative hazardous substance measurements according to TRGS 402
  • Indicative environmental measurements, light and noise emissions
  • Indicative measurement of thermal and fugitive environmental pollution (IR measurements)
  • Recording / classification of hazardous substances in accordance with the Chemicals Act
  • Creation of registers of hazardous substances and operating instructions in accordance with GefStoffV

Fire protection

For your operational fire protection prevention we offer the:

  • Position of fire protection officer
  • Creation of fire protection regulations, fire protection concepts
  • Training of fire protection assistants in accordance with the applicable fire protection regulations
  • Training of evacuation helpers
  • Training of trainers for fire protection assistants/evacuation assistants

Infrared Metrology | thermography

Thermographic evaluations for:

  • Determination of heat losses
  • Determination of defects in electrical installations
  • Tests of insulation faults
  • Testing of solar modules
  • Detection of deposits / discharges

dangerous goods

We support you within the framework of the dangerous goods regulation:

  • dangerous goods assessments
  • Dangerous goods orders (road) as external officers (according to the dangerous goods ordinance for roads)

external representative - appointed person

In order to fulfill legally binding officer functions, we support you in hiring external officers for the areas:

  • environmental Protection
  • Osh
  • Fire protection
  • dangerous goods
  • privacy
  • etc

QHSE Industries

We generate our experience potential from working with national and international organizations from a wide variety of industries with a wide variety of application areas:

  • agricultural economics
  • automotive
  • construction industry
  • chemistry
  • power supply
  • financial and insurance services
  • healthcare and medical technology
  • trade and logistics
  • Industry, manufacturing and processing
  • Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
  • food and feed
  • Metal production, metal construction
  • Public administration
  • Transport, traffic and tourism
  • Supply and disposal

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